vendredi 5 avril 2013

Un documentaire à voir - Echoes

Je vous met le lien d'un documentaire à voir (en anglais).

Lien pour visionner le documentaire:

A propos de Echoes.
"Echoes" is a love letter between mothers and daughters. The documentary chronicles the experiences of mothers who represent three distinct aspects of the story: Chinese mothers who abandoned their babies; a white, middle-class Canadian mother who adopted a Chinese girl; and a Canadian mother preparing to “pick up” her baby from China. Each one of these mothers shares her experiences and struggles reconciling the powerful emotions and ideas that both abandonment and adoption, from an alien culture entail.

"Echoes" is an intuitive film about the very essence of life, which is loss. Its power is subtle but inexorable, because the film captures the rhythms of human existence at its most dissonant. "Echoes" echoes with unanswerable cries of loss and anguish. Yet it raises the maternal ghosts of the present, past and future with a cinematic precision and restraint that furnishes a contrapuntal, emotional balance to the symphony of pain the subjects compose. The imagery is equally understated, yet so artfully shot and edited that it both seduces us and heightens the sense of dislocation and disconnectedness that is Echoes and life itself.

Echoes relate l'histoire de trois mères chinoises ayant abandonné leur enfants et de deux familles canadiennes ayant vécu l'adoption.  Un documentaire à voir qui pour la première fois donne la parole aux mères ayant abandonné leur enfant.  Echoes est aussi le signe que les femmes en Chine commencent à sortir du "secret" et deviennent de plus en plus prêtes à parler de l'abandon de leurs enfants et le contexte dans lequel elles ont du le faire.